The 3rd International Converence ON Public Health Medical Science (ICOPHMEDS)

Information and Contact

There will be a registration desk for speakers of poster presentations in the poster hall entrance.
Please find your poster position with your abstract ID number, and put up your poster within the installation time.
The poster presenter should be ready in the poster hall ten minutes before the poster session scheduled to start, be ready to greet visitors, and present the poster. Please wear the ribbon provided so that you can be easily identified during the presentation session.
The presenter should present their poster within 3-5 minutes followed with 5 minutes discussion.
During poster session and free discussion time, please wear the ribbon provided at your poster panel so that you can be easily identified.
Poster should be collected to the committee on 20 January 2024 at least 04.00 PM.
For any questions regarding your poster, please contact
Scientific Committee or Dr. Mala Kurniati., S.Si., M.Biomed +62 85789710500 ;